Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Gconf key error with GnomeMeeting 1.3.0

> > How have you compiled and installed gm opal?
> I modified the file and skip the configure of PWLIB because it will require pwlib 1.8.4 but the download version is 1.9.0. And there are some packages to upgrade as:
>         gnome-common
>         howl
>         howl-libs
>         howl-devel
> ps: The test machine OS is Fedora Core 3.
> It is a little strange that GnomeMeeting does not require but So I need to copy the .so files to the directory "/usr/lib" manually.

Hi Zhang,

I have packages of gnomemeeting 1.3 for fedora core 3 if your interested.

You can grab them from 

If you grab the howl rpms from as well as the
gnome-vfs2 rpm (as it depends on howl and hence needs to be recompiled
against the newer version). Then grab the pwlib/opal/gnomemeeting rpms dir and install them all
you should get a working gnomemeeting 1.3.0

I've done some testing of these with a VoIP provider and the GM works well.

Let me know if you have any probs with the packages and I can help out
where possible.


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