[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Re: [OpenH323]VIDEO ISSUE SOLVED:Reg Latest Openh323 compilation in Linux

On Thu, 02 Sep 2004 11:55:09 +0200
Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com> wrote:


> Ah well, I don't think many users will find it normal to have
> both /dev/video0 and "Philips ToUCam Pro" as available devices in the
> list when it is the same. That's not logical.

I disagree :)

> To put it another way, the V4L plugin has now be adapted for ohphone
> users, introducing a broken hack that will require to add another broken
> hack in other user programs than ohphone so that they still work in a
> clean way.

Well, not just ohphone but just about any other program that uses video.
Except GM, of course.

> Having all devices listed twice is certainly not clean and is just a
> hack. Removing duplicatas in user programs is another hack, but it is
> your choice and I only gave my opinion :-)
> > On a related issue, what happens with the friendly names if two
> > identical devices are plugged in? How do you choose between them?
> > 
> A good plugin should add something like [1] at the end of the device
> name.

The key word there is "should". There is no guarantee that all devices,
or even drivers, are doing to do the right thing

There is also the situation where a device does not have a friendly name,
or where the name is in a language not known to the user, or where the
manufacturer or driver writer has chosen to use the field to store
something like a serial number or hex data. I have seen all of these
occur in fields that are supposed to be for "friendly" names, and it is
always good to have a backup plan.


 Craig Southeren      craigs postincrement com / craigs voxgratia org

 Phone:  +61 243654666      ICQ: #86852844
 Fax:    +61 243673140      MSN: craig_southeren hotmail com
 Mobile: +61 417231046   Jabber: craigs jabber voxgratia org

 Post Increment - Consulting & Services    http://www.postincrement.com
 Vox Gratia - The Open Source VoIP portal  http://www.voxgratia.org
 Raving Of A Strange Mind - the VoIP blog  http://www.southeren.com/blog

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