Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] [PATCH] Misuse of SetLocalUserName(), AddAliasName()

"Damien Sandras" <dsandras seconix com> writes:

> Actually it depends on gatekeepers. GnomeMeeting just follows teh policy
> that the local user name is your firstname/surname and that is what is
> displayed on the remote endpoint.

Hallo Damien,
  it doesn't make any sense to me. Why? Brief review of the
gnomemeeting preferences window.

 [ Global ]
   Personal data
     -> First name
     -> Last name

 [ H.323 settings ]
   Gatekeeper settings
     -> Gatekeeper host
     -> Gatekeeper alias
     -> Gatekeeper password

  I. you are asking me for the first, last name in the Global section
     (independent on the Gatekeeper settings) and you are using it for
     the gatekeeper registration

 II. you have to provide your real login name (or number) which is
     useable with the Gatekeeper and which is reachable on the
     Gatekeeper, it's for instance 'vojta', or my number '+420...',
     but not 'Robert Vojta'

  Gnome Meeting behaviour is nice for the non-gatekeeper users,
but not for users with gatekeepers.

  I know why are you doing this - when I call you with gnomemeeting,
you will see 'Robert Vojta' and it's much nicer than 'vojta'. But,
this should be "fixed" on the opposite client. You should have ability
to make your own address book, add aliases to the users and if there
will be incoming call with alias 'vojta', application should display
'Robert Vojta' or whatever else.

> However, some gatekeepers wants authentication to happen on the first
> registered alias, ie the firstname / surname thing of gnomemeeting.

  This is not gatekeeper thing, it's a gatekeeper database thing. If
you have login name 'vojta', you have to provide 'vojta'. If you have
login name 'Robert Vojta', you have to provide 'Robert Vojta'.

  It means, you have to provide login name which is independent on
your name.

> I have thus added an option in CVS and in the future 1.00 - next week -
> that permits you to force registering of the alias as first alias
> instead of the firstname/surname.
> So just try CVS and tell me if it fixes your problem!

  I'm going to try it now, I'll let you know.

Robert Vojta

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