Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] [PATCH] Misuse of SetLocalUserName(), AddAliasName()

Hello Robert,

Actually it depends on gatekeepers. GnomeMeeting just follows teh policy
that the local user name is your firstname/surname and that is what is
displayed on the remote endpoint.

However, some gatekeepers wants authentication to happen on the first
registered alias, ie the firstname / surname thing of gnomemeeting.

I have thus added an option in CVS and in the future 1.00 - next week -
that permits you to force registering of the alias as first alias
instead of the firstname/surname.

So just try CVS and tell me if it fixes your problem!

Le 23/2/2004, "Robert Vojta" <robert v0jta net> a écrit:

>Hallo all,
>  this is an email which is prepared for Damien, but I decided to send
>this email to gnomemeeting-devel-list for review and discussion.
>  Patch:
>Hallo Damien,
>  I'm using several VoIP telco providers and I had a big problem with
>registering to their gatekeepers with your GnomeMeeting. I found "bug"
>and I have to discuss it with you.
>  Let's say that my details are ...
>  Firstname:  Robert
>  Lastname:   Vojta
>  Gatekeeper:
>  User name:  vojta
>  Password :  pass
>  When I try this with ohphone ...
>  ohphone --gatekeeper --user vojta --password pass -l
>  ... everything works fine. I decided to try your GnomeMeeting and it
>doesn't work. So, I started ethereal and I found, that you are sending
>"Robert Vojta" as user name to the gatekeeper, but you have to send
>  OpenH323 library sends gatekeeper user name which is set by
>SetLocalUserName(), not first alias added by AddAliasName(). You can
>see this in ohphone source code for instance:
>  if (args.HasOption('u')) {
>    PStringArray aliases = args.GetOptionString('u').Lines();
>    SetLocalUserName(aliases[0]);
>    for (i = 1; i < aliases.GetSize(); i++)
>      AddAliasName(aliases[i]);
>  }
>  As you can see, first --user argument is used for SetLocalUserName()
>and remaining aliases are used for AddAliasName() function. That's
>correct way.
>  But, when I look into endpoint.cpp (your GnomeMeeting), you are
>creating local_name variable from firstname, " ", lastname. So,
>local_name variable is "Robert Vojta". That's OKay, but you can't use
>it in SetLocalUserName() when you are working with gatekeeper, it's
>correct for point to point calls without gatekeeper.
>  So, you have to modify your code in this way ...
>  endpoint->SetUserNameAndAlias(registering_method);
>  void GMH323EndPoint::SetUserNameAndAlias (int registering_method)
>  {
>  ...
>  if (alias && strcmp (alias, "")) {
>    if (registering_method != 0)
>    {
>      SetLocalUserName (alias);
>      if (local_name != NULL)
>      {
>        AddAliasName (local_name);
>        g_free (local_name);
>      }
>    else
>      AddAliasName (alias);
>    g_free (alias);
>  }
>  Final result will be ...
>  a) if user wants to use gatekeeper, "vojta" will be used for
>     SetLocalUserName() and "Robert Vojta" will be used as an alias
>  b) if user do not want to use gatekeeper, "Robert Vojta" will be
>     used for SetLocalUserName() and "vojta" will be used as an alias
>  Without this, you are not able to work with most of gatekeepers over
>the whole world.
>Robert Vojta
>Gnomemeeting-devel-list mailing list
>Gnomemeeting-devel-list gnome org

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