[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] More strings ...

Hi all,

found another missing string. config-tool-i18n.h has not been changed to 
follow the strings in gnomemeeting-config-tool.in.
The appended patch should correct this, but
Sorry, preparing for exams, atm.

As this adds another string, this will most propably have to wait for post 

BTW: I would prefer gm in its state it has now for 1.00 to 0.98.5, as I think 
it is far superior to 0.98.5. Also the newer h323 libs include some 
_security_ fixes, this alone should be reason enough for a shortly released 


Stefan Brüns  /  Kastanienweg 6 - Zimmer 1206  /  52074 Aachen
mailto:lurch gmx li  http://www.kawo1.rwth-aachen.de/~lurchi/
   phone: +49 241 169-4206     mobile: +49 160 7532733 
--- config-tool-i18n.h.orig	2004-02-12 16:49:08.000000000 +0100
+++ config-tool-i18n.h	2004-02-12 16:51:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 char *s = N_("YES");
 char *s = N_("Sorry, this script won't work while GnomeMeeting is running");
 char *s = N_("  WARNING!!!");
-char *s = N_("  This script will delete all user GnomeMeeting configuration,\n  including preferences that may be important! \n  The GConf daemon will be shut down, so make sure you have no\n  applications depending on it running.\n\n  Do you really want to do this?\n\n  If so, say \"YES\".\n\n");
+char *s = N_("  This script will delete your GnomeMeeting configuration settings.\nThe GConf daemon will be shut down, so make sure you have no\n  applications depending on it running.\n\n  Please make sure that GnomeMeeting is not running!\n\n  Do you really want to do this?\n\n  If so, say $ACCEPT.\n\n");
 char *s = N_("Removing $HOME/.gconf/apps/gnomemeeting");
 char *s = N_("Shutting down GConf daemon");
 char *s = N_("...Done.");

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