Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] To CVS packagers

Le jeu 08/04/2004 à 16:05, Craig Southeren a écrit :
> Of course.  The GK and endpoint will exchange RRQ/RCF messages as
> determined by the TTL in the GK. This will normally be once per minute 
> (or so)

And it has to keep an open H225 TCP channel for incoming setups too,

> You should use tunnelled H.245. Using non-tunnelled H.245 is
> old-fashioned :)

Didn't know that :-) But I understand...
As for RTP, if two NAT-ted GMs want to talk to each other via a gk, they
both have to send UDP packets to initialize the NAT tables on their
respective side, don't they?
(there is no such thing as tunneled RTP :-) except if we use the gk as a

Thanks for your kind answers,

Alexandre Aractingi <aaractingi libertysurf fr>

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