Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Reorganizing gconf keys, please comment

On mar, 2003-10-14 at 23:38, Damien Sandras wrote:

> * protocols->h323->gatekeeper->registering_method
>                                                          ->alias
>                                                          ->password
> ->gatekeeper_host
>                                                          ->gatekeeper_id
>                                   ->advanced  ->enable_h245_tunneling
> ->enable_fast_start                                                        
> ->user_input_capabilities

I really like that part, I already see protocols->SIP->... soon ;-)

>                       ->ldap->usual keys

There, I wouldn't put ldap in protocols... I would rather see:
because that makes a more logical organization when you add
(notice: Damien just pointed out in irc that gatekeepers 1) are
h323-only, and 2) should belong here, and that is annoying -- still, I
give that idea, perhaps someone will know how to fix it).

> * general->UI->auto_clear_text_chat + the current show_ keys
>                  ->personal_data
>                  ->history                 
>                  ->video_display

the text has been butchered, but it seems "general" only has one key,
"UI"... that doesn't seem nice.

> * audio->devices
>              ->codecs
> * video->devices
>              ->codecs

I would rather see:

because I find it nicer... can't really tell why...

> * nat->ports
>          ->ip_translation->enable_ip_translation
>                                          ->enable_ip_checking
>                                          ->public_ip
<joke mode="rough">
Hmmm... I have a _wonderful_ idea: a should_really_not_exist key, under
which you would put ->nat, and ->win32 (for the future port)/

Then, when the win32 port will exist, you'll store under that last key
how many times a day they want gm to lose their data, crash, crash the
box, download the latest virus, etc [you want a _real_ port? You need


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