Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Sort in calls history

Le sam 28/06/2003 à 08:06, PUYDT Julien a écrit :
> Le sam 28/06/2003 à 00:28, Kilian Krause a écrit :
> > what i find much more distracting though is the non-visible feedback
> > about missed calls.. i'd like some icon-change or whatever ticker
> > showing my missed calls.. maybe they should even be the first tab,
> > before received and given (that's the order in my mobile's menu btw.) 
> My phone has a led, that blinks as much as there are messages waiting for
> attention. Sure, gm doesn't answer yet, but could perhaps blink to show there
> were missed calls? Or would that slow the box more that the information is worth?

I'll add the sort in the calls history to the TODO list because yes it
makes sense, and it is easy to implement even before 1.00.

Adding a status with the call end reason is also an evident thing to add
for placed and received calls.

For the blinking icon, I also agree it could be useful, but where to
place it? I'll put it on the todo list. I think having status icons to
show if you are registered to a GK, to ILS, if your connection quality
is good/bar/normal, ... is very interesting, but I don't see where to
place it...

 _	Damien Sandras
(o-	GnomeMeeting:
//\	FOSDEM 2003:
v_/_	H.323 phone:  callto:// seconix com

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