Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Visual feedback

Le mer 24/12/2003 à 13:16, Kilian Krause a écrit :
> But i do have a serious problem since tonights version:
> - in the druid i can run the audio test just fine.. but i don't see any
> VU bars.. 

Then you don't have the right version. Check the code?

> - in the call i have a handshake for audio, but i don't have any audio
> itself, as i get "13:09:31 Closed codec SpeexNarrow-8k{sw} which was
> opened for transmission".. dunno how this come, but it's annoying
> running without sound...
> any hints what has changed? 

Nothing, only the VU Meter has been added.

> (this is still 2.4.23.. no 2.6.0 experiments causing this one)
 _      Damien Sandras
//\     It-Optics s.a.
v_/_    GnomeMeeting:
        FOSDEM 2004:
        H.323 phone: seconix com

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