Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] New changes into CVS

> - Hold call should also work and suspend the current call while respecting
> H.323.
> You have to test that there is no conflict using Hold call and Suspend
> audio or video. For example, when you choose Hold Call, then Suspend Video or
> resume video OR audio, nothing should happen (I think). 
> Please test that it seems coherent.
If you hold a call it looks like resuming or suspending video/audio doesn't do
anything. I would only suggest that you either grey out the
hold/suspend-buttons during holding a call or keep them the way they were
before suspend. If you press one of the resume/suspend-buttons multiple times,
it actually can be toggled, though nothing actually happens. When you retrieve
the call again, the buttons jump back to the state they had before holding the
call. So there's no bug, but it would be nicer to grey out the buttons during
hold, IMHO.


JOIN - IP Version 6 in the WiN  Christian Strauf
A DFN project                   Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster Zentrum fuer Informationsverarbeitung
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