Re: System Settings Overview Design

On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 3:23 PM, Bastien Nocera <hadess hadess net> wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-10-24 at 12:57 +0100, Allan Day wrote:
>> I've also heard it discussed that we're not going to show some
>> hardware panels if they're not needed, such as the graphics tablet
>> panel. Can I ask what the plan is there?
> The plan would be to hide hardware based panels where the hardware isn't
> readily available. For example, we would hide the Wacom panel if no
> Wacom tablets were plugged in and none were configured via Bluetooth.
> We would still show those hidden panels in the search results, as a way
> of discovering the settings, if needed.

Thanks for the info. According to my calculations [1], you might end
up with anywhere between 7 and 13 panels in the hardware section,
then. Is that right?

The reason I ask is that that kind of variation is difficult to have
in a fixed grid and still look nice.


[1] Tablet example: displays, sound, power, touch, network, color,
removable media

Desktop example: printers, displays, mouse and touchpad, keyboard,
sound, power, bluetooth, tablet, touch, idevices, network, color,
removable media

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