Re: Dropping the "Interface" tab from appearance capplet


On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Thomas Wood <thos gnome org> wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-11-02 at 14:10 +0100, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
>> I'm not too fond of the change, but since most people seemed to agree,
>> yeah, let's get it in. Thomas, are we ok with doing it now then?
> Yes, I will apply the patch.
> I want to investigate refreshing the Appearance capplet UI, now that it
> has seen so many changes. For example, the new "Get more themes" link
> button positioning is quite ugly, amongst other things.

Yeah we had to shoehorn that in.  Other things to consider:

 * Why are the actions on the themes and background tabs are different?
 * Are backgrounds actually less important than widget themes?
 * Should screensavers be here?
 * What is our story for the "make default" stuff?
 * Can we redesign the font page to be more interesting?  See
 * Should we have a way to customize background slideshows?
 * Do we need libunique?
 * How does this relate to a larger scale control-center design?


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