Re: Python based capplet

On 12.11.2007 15:06, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
On Sat, 2007-11-10 at 11:46 +0100, Sebastian Heinlein wrote:
> I don't know what the plans of Fedora currently are, but would you
> accept a configuration tool that is based on Python in
> gnome-control-center at all?
I really don't find any problem with that, provided, of course, that the
python part is optional, so that people don't have to have python if
they don't want to.

Apart from that, if the performance of the capplet is ok, I've got
nothing against it

Anyone has anything against it?

I do. I have no idea what the maintainership situation will be like,
but I know that I won't touch it (since I don't know python). In
addition to that, I believe a resolution capplet is pretty fundamental,
so making it optional doesn't really buy you anything since
everybody is going to need it. Frankly, I don't think the added
burden to the maintainers and the additional dependencies this
will pull in are worth it.

I don't expect a new display capplet to be terribly complex, so I'd
rather take the whole thing and rewrite it in C...


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