Re: RFC: libnotify status


Thanks for your reply, at least now I see the whole picture.

> approved external dependency in GNOME or not.
It is not.
I see.

Yes, you are.  ;-)  <after> denotes an optional dependency.  It just
means that if both modules are built, the given module should be built
after libnotify is.
OK, now I see. The semantics of <after> was not clear to me.

such libraries.  Anyway, there are a lot of modules that happen to use
Exactly, there is a chance g-c-c will have it, while g-a and evo
already have it.

it as an optional dependency and it may be time to make it an official
dependency (either external or internal), but it needs to be proposed
for that to happen.
Where should I propose it then?



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