Re: [gnome-women] help

Hello Zoe, please see my replied below...

On 2 April 2014 10:00, me <buptrabbit 163 com> wrote:

          Hello. I am a graduate student of China. And I am interested in
OPW project. I really appreciate the amazing work people engaging in FOSS
and related works, and I want to join you and be a part of you, making small
contributions to the open source software, to learn and help at the same
time. But I really do not know how to start. I found the instruction page:, it says that I could send a mail to ask
information and get instructions about this projects. So I send this mail as
a try.

The current application period for OPW has closed now, but you can
still start contributing to GNOME now. Why don't you have a look at and see if any of the
projects look interesting to you?

In case you are not aware, GNOME.Asia is happening in Beijing at the
end of May. I will be giving a talk about contributing to
documentation and running a workshop to get people started there
(assuming my visa application is accepted). For more information, see

          If I do anything wrong and anything inappropriate, please forgive
me and just ignore this mail.

You haven't done anything wrong, and you can also find many of us on

          Following are my basic information:

          I am a junior graduate student and my major is telecommunications.
I program a software used to locate people in indoor environment with Java.
My last intern is in Hitachi company helping them crawling information from
the weibo and news websites with multi-threads processes also using Java.
         Plus I joined a competition using Python to classify big data. So I
know a lot of knowledge about machine learning. I also know C language and
basic linux operations.
        To sum up, I am familiar with Java, and know basic knowledge of
Python, C and linux.  I want to join a project that can help me get to know
opw and make contribution to FOSS as soon as possible. I hope that I could
get some instructions and suggestions from you. Thank you so much.

Best wishes

Zoe Chang
April 2nd, 2014

All the best,

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