[gnome-women] interesting numbers from the newcomer survey and why you should take part

Hi all,

Kevin Carillo shared with me some interesting numbers about the participants of the newcomer experience survey so far.

Total number of participants: 276
Total number of female participants: 32
Number of GNOME participants: 37
Number of female GNOME participants: 21
Number of male GNOME participants: 16
Number of female GNOME participants who indicated that they took part in an official mentoring program in the GNOME community: 15
Number of male GNOME participants who indicated that they took part in an official mentoring program in the GNOME community: 4

These numbers of course show that the Outreach Program for Women has been very effective in getting women involved in the GNOME community and a program like it is essential to increasing the number of women in FOSS. The current numbers indicate that there are 56.8% women among GNOME newcomers and 4.6% women among newcomers in other organizations. No other organization has an outlier number of women participants like GNOME, with 1-3 women respondents from 7 other participating organizations.

In the last two years (since we started running Outreach Program for Women internships), GNOME had 45 female interns and 40 male interns (with 4 women and 4 men participating in an internship twice). I think there are three possible explanations for why there is a big gap in the number of female and male respondents who said they took part in an official mentoring program in the GNOME community:
1) Karen and I were more effective in getting the women involved in GNOME to respond.
2) Interns who participated in GSoC were less likely to interpret it as an official mentoring program in the GNOME community.
3) Women interns stay more involved in GNOME than men interns.

My guess is that it is predominantly reason 1 above, so this e-mail is my effort to reach out to more men who participated in GSoC or got involved in GNOME in the last three years in some different way. Please fill out the survey now! The survey closes in the end of the month (this Friday).


You can find more survey statistics on Kevin's blog: http://kevincarillo.org

The reason everyone who qualifies should take part in the survey is that both people inside and outside the GNOME community will look to it for information on who the newcomers to the GNOME community in the last three years were and what was their experience like. We would like this information to be as accurate as possible!


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