[gnome-women] An opportunity to work on GNOME through Google Summer of Code

Hi all!

Google Summer of Code is a program that offers stipends to students for working on various open source projects. It is a great way to spend your summer working on GNOME! Its application period has just opened and ends April 9. It is a good idea to sort out details such as what project you want to work on and who can be your potential mentor ahead of the application deadline.

As a Google Summer of Code student, you will have support of your mentor, other people working on the project you'll join, other program participants, the community of women in GNOME, and the whole GNOME community. People usually talk in the IRC channels, such as #soc, #gnome-women, #gnome-hackers, and project-specific channels on irc.gnome.org and also learn about each other's work through the Planet GNOME blog aggregator at http://planet.gnome.org .

Here is a GNOME page that explains the process and links to all the important information, such as the project ideas page and Google's official information about the program.


As an alternative to selecting a project idea on the ideas page, you can get in touch with any of the mentors who have expressed interest in mentoring technical projects for the Outreach Program for Women and define a project with them for which they can be your mentor in Google Summer of Code.


Please feel free to ask me if you have any questions about the application process or what could be a good project to work on. Also, please pass along this information to anyone who you think might be interested in the program.


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