Re: Plone Status?

Hi Paul,

2010/5/5 Paul Cutler <pcutler gnome org>:
> Hi happy web hackers!
> (Lucas, I apologize, I'm not meaning to put you on the spot.)

No problem at all :-)

> For the 3 teams working on the new site (Content, Plone and Art) can
> anyone give a brief update?

I've been constantly and directly pinging the Plone guys and they have
been unresponsive for quite a while. That is worrying me a bit... The
major Plone implementation bits that I think are missing now:

1. The style of the front page.
2. Style for the list of press releases

> For the Content team, I poked around the editors instance this morning
> for a few minutes ( but I will need to
> review it in much more detail to give a status update.  (Darton, maybe
> you can help me?)

I suggest you guys to go through the current content and do a summary
of what's missing content-wise. I really think we're close to get
something roughly complete.

> The reason I'm asking is I am at the GNOME Marketing Hackfest this week
> in Spain and we are working on the GNOME 3.0 launch plan.  As Vincent
> said yesterday - "Not having the new website is a blocker for GNOME 3.0"
> - so no pressure!  The other reason is we would like to do a specific
> GNOME 3.0 website on that is going to showcase some
> videos and screenshots of GNOME 3.  Is this something we could use Plone
> for?

I guess we could. But we need Plone-experts to jump in with a proper
solution for videos though.

> If so, we have a lot more questions.  Feel free to ping me on IRC
> (probably #marketing is best) or drop an email.

Thanks for pinging!


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