Re: Gnome Plone Migration Update

On Tue, 2008-03-04 at 13:02 +0000, Jaime Hemmett wrote:
> >>     
>  I'll be interested to try out your patches and see if I can continue on 
> getting it to look like the screenshots while you're away.
> Jaime.

Yeah the problem is that you have to rework that code, Portlets were
completely rewritten from 2.x to 3.0.x. There should be several examples
available via google. Or from

Here is the stuff in a Plone 3 Product, if you do complete this before
me remember that the subversion pull is egg'd so there is a call or two
to Products.GnomeTheme in there that would have to be changed when
moving into the buildout. Also I renamed the GnomeTHeme and some other
random stuff but that'll be mainly making the changes to the buildout
which isn't the biggest issue.

That said, all you should have to do is dump this in your Products
directory and then apply it as the theme to begin working on it.
Christopher Warner
cwarner kernelcode com

Attachment: GnomeTheme.tar.bz2
Description: application/bzip-compressed-tar

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