Re: Gnome Plone Migration Update

On Fri, 2008-07-18 at 23:32 -0400, Christopher Warner wrote:
> I had an offline/off the list (via gmail) with Martin where he mentions
> there are people willing to help, although he himself is also currently
> swamped. Can these people email the list or email me so we can set a
> date and get this stuff done.

Did this happen?

>  I'd like to try and get it done in a
> weekend if possible meaning

How about this?

>  I'd do the leg work ahead of time to make
> the appropriate contacts for the system admin piece. If possible i'd
> like to do this before July 28th as I have a deadline on Aug 3rd and my
> todo list might as well just be an infinity symbol. 
> Please email me as soon as possible.. i'm cwarner in #plone or on
> gimpnet #ekiga or #webhackers.. We can get it done, i'm just one man and
> if this was back in my school days i'd have all the time in the world
> but sadly it's not that easy anymore.
> Also, Ramon I noticed that you pinged me in #webhackers.. whatsup? :-)
> Thanks,
> Christopher Warner

murrayc murrayc com

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