Re: Gnome Plone Migration Update

I had an offline/off the list (via gmail) with Martin where he mentions
there are people willing to help, although he himself is also currently
swamped. Can these people email the list or email me so we can set a
date and get this stuff done. I'd like to try and get it done in a
weekend if possible meaning I'd do the leg work ahead of time to make
the appropriate contacts for the system admin piece. If possible i'd
like to do this before July 28th as I have a deadline on Aug 3rd and my
todo list might as well just be an infinity symbol. 

Please email me as soon as possible.. i'm cwarner in #plone or on
gimpnet #ekiga or #webhackers.. We can get it done, i'm just one man and
if this was back in my school days i'd have all the time in the world
but sadly it's not that easy anymore.

Also, Ramon I noticed that you pinged me in #webhackers.. whatsup? :-)

Christopher Warner

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