Activating Events in

Hi, until now we have dealt with Events with manual edits in the
homepage of . For the new wgo we should have
something better.

We could activate an Events module in (Drupal
comes with it) and then syndicate from the wgo homepage.

This way everybody could publish new events and they would show up in
the wgo home as soon as they are approved by the ngo (aka ) maintainers. The next 3 events would show up in the
wgo home and passed event would disappear automatically. The full list
of submitted events would be available in ngo, people could add
comments to events (and many other optional things, if Stro & co want
to play with this, but for wgo we don't need them).

This is not a blocker for the wgo revamp. If we don't have Events the
day the site is ready we won't wait to release it.

Quim Gil ///

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