Re: Troubles with the design at 800x600 and 1024x768

On 27 Feb 2007, at 23:14, Simone Deponti wrote:

What about bringing back the plone navigation (without the first level at the tabs) with a different skin? It wouldn't be much work at all, allows us to have a tree-like navigation capable of descending down more than two levels, and other mixed benefits
That would be the best approach for a vertical navigation slot.
Configuring its top level and its depth is just a question of setting a few properties: easy. Having it relooked is a matter of CSS, it can take a bit of time depending on the design.

(it really hurts to throw away all the really good job that David did, though :( ).
Don't worry about that, it was fun doing it  :)
It will still reside in the svn history for further reference if someone needs that kind of code (I may, one day).

[...] if plone has such a menu, there's a reason: it's (in terms of ease of use and functionality) the best navigation system you can come up with.



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