Re: Drupal as candidate to be challenged

On Thu, 2005-12-29 at 14:36 +0100, Quim Gil wrote:
> Localisation was my last concern about using Drupal for the wgo
> management. After seeing how the i18n module works, I have no more
> concerns. In my opinion Drupal has proved to be the best candidate we
> have so far.

I guess you will test this by having the GUADEC 2006 site in multiple
languages, and involving the internationalization team in that?

Not that I know of any other system that can do this.

> I suggest from now on we consider it our platform for the wgo revamp.
> The debate is still open and if there are unsolved concerns they need to
> be discussed. But at least it would be good to have a default candidate
> to be challenged by better proposals.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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