
On 12/9/06, Ricky Zhou < ricky zhou gmail com> wrote:
Also, I'm a bit confused
about base.css.dtml in gnome_custom_styles, as I mentioned in
HISTORY.txt.  There's a header that recommends against editing it, but
some of the rules in it are so general, that they break the current CSS
, particularly because I have * { margin: 0; padding: 0; }.

There is no holy and uneditable soil, so if you need to tweak base.css, tweak it. My only recommendation is to keep the modularized approach that plone takes, even if sometimes it's simpler to just throw everything in the main_template, you might regret it badly after.

As a side note, how are we going to separate the home template from the
normal pages?

The home page is a specific type of content, created by us as a custom product. Basically, I envision a product that can be somewhat customized by the admin without the need to dive into the code.

The product as I envision it should have the following properties:
* Main image. An image file.
* Feed 1. Url of the feed.
* Feed 2. Url of the feed.

Plone lets you choose which page to make the default, so the admin can start deploying a new homepage while leaving the other online and do the switch only when it's ready

So the admin creates the content, fills up the information and http://www.gnome.org/ would display the same thing that's displayed at http://www.gnome.org/mainpage/view (note that i can create a mainpage2 that is visible at http://www.gnome.org/mainpage2/view but not accessible by simple linking: once I think mainpage2 is ready to go production i tell plone to show this page everytime someone accesses http://www.gnome.org/)

If we really want to go hardcore, we can make some sort of AJAX admin interface that lets the admin move around the boxes of the mainpage, rearranging them to fits his needs, and maybe even specify a stylesheet. It's totally feasible, but for now let's keep it simple :D.

And where can XCF files be stored?

I guess a good place can be doc/sources

Note: This is my first time using Plone and SVN (with other people), so
I'm sorry if I broke or overwrote something important (thankfully, past
revisions are always accessible).

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


<Ivyshaur> No, we've been informed that listening to Rammstein is the best way to learn German.
<mrPants> You learn it very quick
<mrPants> The problem is that you only know how to talk about sodomy, canibalism, incest, and death
<granola> there are other things to talk about?
<mrPants> Not in germany

<Ivyshaur> No, we've been informed that listening to Rammstein is the best way to learn German.
<mrPants> You learn it very quick
<mrPants> The problem is that you only know how to talk about sodomy, canibalism, incest, and death
<granola> there are other things to talk about?
<mrPants> Not in germany

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