Re: Google ads on Gnome pages?

Right, sorry for the confusion.

2006/12/8, Lars Clausen <lars raeder dk>:
I'm the current maintainer of Dia, and we just (yay!) moved our webpages
over to  During the process, somebody asked me why we
didn't have Google ads on the Dia pages to get funding

So you mean introduce Google ads in some lgo pages? I think this is
even more tricky.

When applying to a Google AdSense program you need to provide the
primary URL of your site. This means that Google would approve or not, not just some pages of this site, and would ask the
contact details for who is administering lgo.

Deciding if lgo wants to apply or not is something that falls beyond a
single project. In fact, I'd say that this issue even falls beyond the
web team since we are talking about getting revenue from GNOME
resources, and this is something that belongs to the Foundation and
the board. It's not for the amount of money this thing would move but
for the precedent it would create.

Apart from this, I still wonder if it would be worth to populate your
site with ads in exchange of... how much? Really, I belief in the
right of GNOME projects and groups to work for their sustainability
and get funds, but I don't think introducing Google ads is the way to

Quim Gil ///

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