Re: Logo on developer's page

<quote who="Rob Sharp">

> I'm guessing that the problem is that we don't want to use GIFs to achieve
> the same effect (I realise that PNGs are better, both technically and
> politically), but it looks pretty poor in the browser used by the majority
> of 'regular' users...

Most of the sites use exactly the same template, which takes advantage of
content negotiation on the Apache side, serving up PNGs to the free world
and GIFs to the unfortunate. James can probably tell us why d.g.o is

- Jeff

GNOME Summit 2005: October 8th-10th
   "PHP, when it first came out, didn't really have any merits, and many
    claim it still doesn't, but it filled a void where a simple tool to
            perform a simple task was needed." - Rasmus Lerdorf

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