Re: Drupal as candidate to be challenged

En/na Sebastian Rittau ha escrit:

>>>     /en/214-releasenotes 
>   /214-releasenotes.en

The difference has an aesthetic and a technical component. Let's see...

> For example, if you specify the URL
> the person that opens this URL will get the page in his or her default
> language (using content negotiation).

Drupal offers the same behaviour.

> If you want to enforce a
> particular language, just append the language suffix:

Instead, you should insert -
which is not that different.

> The URLs now have a purely semantical meaning, while the non-semantical
> parts (like the language) are optional.

>From a technical perspective, yes and no. Yes if all the pages show the
same functionality and content, only in different languages (as happens
in No if some pages will show actually a different
functionality in different languages.

For instance, the pages of a French forum won't be the same as the pages
of a German forum, and perhaps in another language there won't be a
forum at all. Following your example, a Spanish forum page could have a
URL like


Semantically this would imply that I could get

/node/41812 as an equivaent in the default locale and

/node/ as an Italian equivalent

which is not true.


/es/node/41812 says that the Spanish website has this page - nothing else.

Quim Gil -

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