Re: CivicSpace site to test

En/na Sriram Ramkrishna ha escrit:
> Yes, same here.  BTW I think the whole "login" stuff needs to be
> a bit more transparent. I  had some trouble figuring out how to
> create an account.
> Not sure if thats part of the website or just part of the test.

Part of the test. Bringing the idea of application context menus and
"just insert a blank CD to burn a CD", I wanted to have a register or a
login option shown only where it makes sense to have it: i want to
receive GNOME news in my mailbox, I need support, I've got a bug... This
takes time and real content, though.

On a more conservative way, I was thining in an elegant solution such as
the tiny horizontal login/register box at

We need to agree on the broad aspects of wgo and then we will be able to
focus properly on details like this.

Quim Gil -

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