Re: Splash for 2.8 release

Thomas Wood wrote:
I would still go with including a screenshot. It gives visitors a much
clearer visual indication of what "GNOME 2.8" is (i.e. a desktop

I can see your point. However since the splash graphic always appears in context, I'm hoping that the idea that GNOME is, among other things, a desktop environment is conveyed in part by its surroundings (the "What is GNOME?" box for instance). Also, I would like that image to be something which draws people into the site, and into reading the /start/2.8 release notes and not necessarily something which just illustrates GNOME.

Personally, I would try and steer clear of using phrases like "amazingly
beautiful" because they are highly opinion based. I'm sure we don't want
to sound like we're blowing our own trumpet too much! ;-)

I thought about that too. But considering that GNOME is something that we're proud of--so some boasting is in order ;-)--and considering that a lot of attention goes into making sure that it looks good both objectively, by creating matching icon sets, by using proportionally sized elements and widgets, by sticking to a harmonious color palette etc., and subjectively by allowing users to make it look the way they like, I think it's not that unreasonable a claim to make. Perhaps it could be made differently. But appealing to people on a (positive) emotional level is fair game I would say.

Anyway, the "amazingly beautiful" part is only a modified version of the original slogan. I don't have a problem using something different, or nothing at all, if too many people feel that it's overdoing it.


Sebastien Biot -
         "mus in pice"

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