Re: Links to sister pages


>   there's currently a discussion about the future of the German GNOME
> translation one contributor mentioned that there's still to much English
> knowledge neccessary to get from to local pages like
> Could we try to agree some criteria for local pages to
> become a 'local sister page' that could be linked to like
> links to their translated pages?
>   There are still lots of German people who don't know any English word
> and if they get across a link to they cannot even find the
> link to the German site and we (the German web team) don't get as much
> traffic as we could. And we don't want to get traffic to transfer lots
> of data but to have as many people as possible coming across the German
> page to help those searching for help and to provide 'joining
> information' for those interested.

Absolutely agree, and FWIW we talked a bit about this at a recent board
meeting and we came up with the initial action -

        ACTION: Jeff will pull together a web page of links to
		as many of the local groups as he has information
                - draft version due 2 Feb 2004.

There's still probably lots we can do, so suggestions/contributions are
very welcome.


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