Re: protest page is tired

>From jdub perkypants org, Tue, 28 Oct 2003 09:38:53 +1100
> <quote who="Steve Hall">
> >
> > Actually, it's a very pretty protest page, one of the best I've
> > seen--industrial charcoal is so chic. :) 
> Ha ha. :-)

Uh, oh, I'm having a vision of the old GNOME colors again...

> > > (If you want to do some pretty CSS and images for the current
> > > page in the mean time, please ping me. We can switch it around
> > > really easily - it's all directly CSS customisable.)
> > 
> > Might take you up on that this week... I can just use the current
> > HTML/CSS and graphics, right? 
> Probably just the CSS (see frontpage.css and epatents.css).

Ok, here's 20 minutes of effort to spruce up a little:

It still has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the site's
design, but yer already working on that, right?

I keep wanting to put some sort of sunrise cloudscape, a la:

but a single image is too expensive.

Oh, well, take it or leave it; I'm just looking for happier.

Steve Hall  [ digitect mindspring com ]

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