w.g.o front page proposal (a summary)

I've been working at some mockups for an eventual redesign of w.g.o's
front page. Mockups are all here: http://www.viralata.net/gnome/ . The
latest one is top_page_mockup_v10.html. This work has all been done with
the precious help of people on #webhackers.

The idea of the layout is to brighten things up a bit, to allow for
rotating "promotional messages" (promoting the project, people, GNOME
stories, etc.) to be inserted, and to try to present a clear picture of
what GNOME sites have to offer (developer docs, user guides, etc.).

The layout is pretty stable now. It's been tested on different platforms
and browsers and validates (both html and css). It could be integrated
into the current w.g.o structure pretty rapidly.

The current message is aimed at promoting donations to the GNOME
Foundation. The idea is to echo the foundation's message as disseminated
on various GNOME mailing lists and on FootNotes. Tim Ney from the GNOME
Foundation has seen the graphic and really liked it.

All comments and suggestions are welcome.

Sebastien Biot <seb viralata net>

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