Re: I have no idea whose "responsibility" this is, but...

<quote who="Luis Villa">

> 1) I can't find a list of the current members of the board on
> (though I guess maybe the link to
> counts?)

It's just hard to navigate.

> 2) has screenshots from roughly 1999. I
> realize the status of the new foot is still a mess (grumble) but can
> someone from the web team maybe repoint the screenshots at stuff from
> the 2.2 release notes?

It's on my todo list, but I was planning on doing something more significant
- if someone just wants to swap links or something, please go for it (I
  might get to it later tonight or something).

- Jeff

-- 2004: Adelaide, Australia
             make: *** No rule to make target `whoopee'.  Stop.

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