Webhacking Status

Hey all,

Here's some bits and pieces I've gathered to put up on d.g.o as our status
page. I'll put it up once we've nailed it down a bit more, and when we've
moved these 60MB tarballs out of the web-devel-2 module. ;)

Please contribute changes, ideas, further points to the list. :)

GNOME Webhacking Status


Just about everyone is happy with:



  Applist/Projects: Trove (Steve Fox)


  Search engine: htdig for the current site (Joshua Eichorn)

  Gnotices: Recently upgraded to operate sanely as the current news system.
  This, and the front page, will show RSS feeds of the Trove system when
  output is available. Perhaps the look'n'feel can be modified short term,
  until a new news system can be put in place. (Michael R. Bernstein)

  developer.gnome.org status page: Going up once some administrative tasks
  are out of the way, and this list is finalised. (Jeff Waugh)

Implementation Details

  Language: PHP, with a keen eye to maximum use of CVS as information store,
  as opposed to dynamic/database style operation.

  Datastore: MySQL because there are a lot of other systems reliant on it,
  and it would make no sense to replace it willy-nilly. Perhaps some further
  work on LDAP for system administration side of things, yada, can make this
  less of a problem to replace.

  Templates: Still some discussion to be had re: Smarty vs. XSLT. Whichever
  way it goes, dynamic caching seems to be of great interest.

  UI standards: Dual CSS / table layout implementation based on browser
  discovery, so the site doesn't look like ass in Netscape 4.

Anything else?

- Jeff

     "Just because I sit in front of a terminal all day doesn't mean I      
      couldn't hunt you down and righteously kick your ass to feed my       
          newfound cannabalism." - Darwinian System Administration          

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