
Hi all,

Quick mail to introduce myself and what I'm doing here. Basically,
I've been using UNIX systems for about 10 years now. I bought my
first PC in 1999 and installed linux for the first time and saw
Gnome. I've been using it ever since as my main desktop with only
brief looks at KDE in between.

Next, what am I doing here? Actually, I've been looking for this
list for sometime now. Why? Well, basically doesn't really
do the job that I thought it would be doing from a user, semi-interested
developer/contributor perspective. I figured there would be a list or 
project page somewhere covering gnome web and after a couple of brief
attempts, over I'd say a period of 3 months or so, I found you... I
would have thought finding you would have been quicker though. I wonder
how normal I am :)

(As I recall, I poked around a lot on the projects page, finally noticed
the link for the mail lists on the main page, but didn't notice the link
to the "complete list" until today.)

So this is how I'd like to start my bit for gnome: I'd like to help improve
the findability of information for users that don't really know the 
workings of gnome development that well, but are interested in probing
more and maybe getting involved if it seems easy and inviting enough.
(Greed being one motivation as that's basically me :)
I've lots of other reasons too but I guess that's the main one.

So first question - Am I in the right mail list?

Another question - I've been surfing the archives to find out how decisions
are made around here, but couldn't really find out quickly. Excuse my
ignorance but are there project leaders as such? The reason that I ask
this is that over the last couple of months the new web pages have been
discussed with even designs laid out and some code written, but most people
seem to be just waiting for guidance or some joint decision.


Thomas O'Dowd                   Noop-de-Noop!
tom nooper com        

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