Re: My first stab at the site

On 17 Mar 2001 00:31:23 -0600, Joakim Ziegler wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 16, 2001 at 11:25:03PM -0600, Steve Fox wrote:
> > Take a look at . That's what I'm working on for my
> > LUG. I think it's similar enough to Slashdot, no?
> Actually, I couldn't contact that host at all.

Sorry, I forgot to open port 82. Please try again.

> But there's very little in the way of an automatically generated navigation
> hierarchy for static content. For instance, their about section doesn't have
> subnavigation at all, all links are in the actual text. The menus seem to
> just be the main menu on all parts of the site.

Ah, you won't notice most dynamic menus unless you are logged in or
navigating to a project page. The menus are completely customizeable so
we wouldn't require someone to be logged in for the menus to change.
It'd just change depending on where they are.


Steve Fox

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