My stab at the templates

Oops. Forgot to change my subscription address before sending ;0)


I made a stab at the PHP templates for the site. Granted I basically
just took Joakim's HTML verbatim, but at least it's a starting point.

So what do these templates do? The nice thing is that you can define a
new theme (e.g. for just by inherting the base
theme class and switching some variables.

Have a look at

for the base theme, and then

shows how easy it is to change the appearance just by changing the vars.
Now if I had the rest of Joakim's art work the header image would change

Anyways, you can grab the code at

It ain't much, and I'm hadn't even considering translation stuff yet,
but I just want to get the ball fingers are getting itchy

Constructive criticism welcome.


Steve Fox


Steve Fox

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