Re: Suggestion for the News site

<quote who="Tomas V.V.Cox">

> The problem is that people prefer to work in the develop of the web in a
> CVS system. So every change you make, you need to submit to the CVS.
> Personally I think that a CVS system for a web development is not good,
> but is the chosen method.

GAR! :)

CVS is brilliant for working on web applications. It is one of the only sane
ways to do it -> how different is a web application to any other code? Not

The critical difference in judgement here is whether Joakim and Owen's
CVS-only-for-everything (content + code) or a hybrid publishing system is
more appropriate for the site.

Joakim is right -> most of the stuff out there already (Midgard, Zope,
Egrail and the rest) aren't necessarily appropriate for what we are doing,
and add a whole stack of overhead for little gain.

I lean strongly towards a domain-specific hybrid system, given that we'll
know what we're publishing, how everything links together, and who is doing
the dirty work.

I don't agree with the CVS-only method, as it's just a different way of
digging the same hole we have now. Same shit, different smell. ;)

- Jeff

-- jdub aphid net ----------------------------- --

       "A rest with a fermata is the moral opposite of the fast food        
           restaurant with express lane." - James Gleick, Faster            

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