Suggestion for the News site

  Okay, this is rather radical, but I would like people consider the
idea, and at least evaluate it:

  I suggest replacing the current design with an
  advogato like (mob_virgule based) news and community site

Quick plus:

  - it's stable !!! Sorry our news site has been down far too
    frequently to accept this being the norm in the future
  - it's relatively simple, well tested, seems to be reliable
    it' probably far more lightweight than the current stuff
  - It would allow Gnome hacker who have diaries to centralize
    them and expose the community at work, also trying to merge
    the gap between our user community and the people within the
  - the format is well-known, no leaning step needed for the
  - posting has a preview mode <grin/>
  - it's fast to load !

Quick minus:
  - it's a rather radical change
  - one would still need an export mechanism to read the news titles
    in the main site, maybe an RDF feed will be sufficient
  - may need some tuning to look a bit more like the rest of the
    Gnome site.

My personal point are that:
  - I would like to improve the community sense and relationship
  - I don't want to see our news site down again
  - I don't find attractive right now, I would like
    to feel the need to visit it more often. Getting diaries and
    more submissions is important.

and I think an Advogato like site for would fit the bill !


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml Gnome XML toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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