Re: request tracker

<quote who="Luis Villa">

> 1) Because it's not much of a kludge (lots and lots of
> people/organizations use bugzilla this way)

I've tried it, and whilst it's workable, it's not as straight-forward. It's
okay, and I'd be far happier having it for now.

> 2) Because if you're relying on Owen, et al.* to provide an alternative,
> if might be a long, long time before you have an alternative. You have
> bugzilla now.

Well, I'm on the sysadmin team now, so it's certainly something I can push
without having to 'rely' on Owen et al. We just have to work together on it.


- Jeff

     "It's only ironic because it's true." - Reflexive irony, overheard     

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