Re: Localized Pages

On 2000.11.22 12:53:28 -0300 Christian Rose wrote:
> I wouldn't say that "most" people don't like this. In my experience, it 
> is only a relatively small group that purely detest their mother tongue 
> being used instead of English in technical writing. But this group is 
> often the loudest ;-)
> These users that don't want information in their own language are also 
> very rarely novice users -- so if is at all aimed at 
> novice users, it should include some language selection mechanism that 
> is automatic, provides a "smart" default and is overridable if the user 
> wants that. I think only the content-negotiation language selection as 
> default and an optional language selection method on the page that 
> overrides that (and with this info stored in a cookie) provides all this.

The best way to get around this is to provide simple links to pages in
other languages. The user that goes to won't be surprised if
he/she finds that all the texts are written in english.

Here goes the voice of experience: I speak spanish, english and a little
bit of french. I lived in France for one year, and I hated when many sites
showed everything in french.

Clean text links. A splash screen showing a menu of languages is evil.

Michel Martens

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