Re: Task Analysis (press and search sections)

On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 04:31:30PM -0600, Shawn T Amundson wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 02:16:28PM +0100, Tomas V.V.Cox wrote:

> I agree the media is important.  I disagree that the website should
> cater to that group of users specifically.  The press people are just 
> users, and all the things you mention above are things *everone* wants 
> to know about:  press releases, maililng lists, speaking, etc.  The 
> information should be readily available for the media, I just think it 
> shouldn't leave a sick feeling in a users stomach. has to 
> be viewed as a "for the people" website, not as a marketing tool to big 
> corporations and media - no matter how important those two groups might 
> be.  It is really a matter of how the information is presented.  

The media has some special needs, which are best addressed by a press kit or
separate press section, I believe. We noticed this when we did the LWE
announcements. Basically, the press wants one place to go where they can get
at least the following:

- Recent press releases (which aren't the same as news items).
- A press photo of Miguel.
- A couple of up to date screenshots without any customization or potentially
  offensive content.
- A bulleted list of GNOME features that set it apart from the rest.
- A quick history of the project.
- A glossary.

They don't want to root around the entire site to do it, they don't have the
time. Having worked in the media myself, I completely understand that they
can't take the time to go through the entire site to find this. Now, not much
of the above is press-specific (after all, fanboys also want photos of Miguel
to use for desktop backgrounds), but we should at the minimum have a press
page that lets them access the things mentioned from one place.

I think the idea of having a role-based access method that basically leads to
a page of links tailored for the role the web page user sees himself in,
would be a good solution.

Joakim Ziegler - Helix Code web monkey - joakim helixcode com - Radagast IRC
      FIX sysop - free software coder - FIDEL & Conglomerate developer

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