Re: Localization Structure Model

On Thu, Nov 16, 2000 at 04:51:00PM -0600, Bill Schroeder wrote:
>> Agreed. SQL seems overkill for this, and as pointed out, it makes it a
>> whole lot more work to work with the translation instead of when
>> everything is plain flat files in a cvs.

> I have to disagree.  Slashdot get how many hits a day?  And they use MySQL on 
> the backend.  Besides, puting everything in the database simplifies 
> translation and updates by simplifying web base forms for updates as well as 
> notifications to the various translators that the page was updated.  Not to 
> mention that language simply becomes a field in the database.  Caching to 
> flat files is fine but probably use much more often than needs be.  However, 
> I don't know how well (if at all) MySQL or PostgreSQL etc... support 
> international character sets.

Before you use Slashdot as an example of the excellence of databases, you
should probably take a look at their hardware setup, as well as the tricks
they use (which includes caching generated pages to flat files a *lot*) to
make it runnable at all, and Slashdot isn't always terribly snappy.

Databases also make translations more difficult, unless we want to make a
whole admin system for translators to use, and even then it requires use of a
browser to do translation, something I know a lot of the translators won't be
too happy about.

Joakim Ziegler - Helix Code web monkey - joakim helixcode com - Radagast IRC
      FIX sysop - free software coder - FIDEL & Conglomerate developer

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