Re: Design document [Draft 1]

> > This type of thing would go in "The Desktop" area.
> It's not just about the desktop, though. As I've said so many times that
> people might actually find it boring already, GNOME is a lot more than a
> desktop, and the desktop is already the thing getting the most exposure. The
> other about stuff are introductions to GNOME as a whole, history of the GNOME
> project, roadmaps and release schedules, what companies are backing GNOME, etc.

Desktop just isn't a good choice as a top-level category. I would not understand
what to find there. Joakims original proposal was better.

> >> Screenshots

> > Therefore, I suggest that screenshot links be stuck in the most
> > obvious place under the category where it makes sense.  This will
> > still make it obvious.  It will just be on the sidebar instead
> > of the toplevel.
> There's nothing wrong with parallel navigation. In fact, just about any
> nontrivial information structure will have to tangle the hierarchy, or you'll

Good point.
However it must be combined with a very strict and consistent hierarchy. This is
not easy of course.

> > All of this would be under "Download".  In my opinion, "Download" is a
> > stronger term than "Get it".  It is more formal and professional.
> Sure, this could be renamed. What are other people's opinion?

I don't know about formal or professional but Download is a lot easier for me to
understand (as swedish native). It is also the term used most widely, for sure.

Ulf Pettersson

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