Who am I and what do I want to do for GNOME web

I thought I should do what many others on the list have done before me
and make a short presentation
of myself and say something about how I plan to contribute.

I have been following/parttaking in the GNOME effort now for since the
0.30 release. I am no coder (at least not of a usable level) so I have
usually focused on doing advocacy stuff. This has included doing a lot
of interviews and articles on GNOME which I have mostly published on
Linuxpower.org and also help with arranging some GNOME related events,
like helping IDG to get Michaek Meeks and Alan Cox to Oslo to do talks
etc.  I have also indirectly helped with the Norwegian translation by
loaning Kjartan money ;)

What do I want to do as part of the web team? Well, I am not interested
in the choice of technology
or page design, that I leave to the other able people on this list.
What I want to do is continue as I have as a newshunter and editor for
Gnotices and I also want to help maintain content.  Currently I try to
keep the mailing list  page
resonanbly up to date, but I wouldn't mind helping out maintaining other
parts of the GNOME website which could need some love.

So if there are some parts of the website in desperate need of some
content maintenance, please let me know.


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