GNOME-VFS implemented with FUSE


I'm a GNOME pusher. I try and keep track of important development in the
GNU/Linux world, focusing on GNOME on the desktop side.

Since you're considering a replacing the GNOME-VFS, why not consider
having the VFS at the filesystem level with FUSE?

beaglefs clearly shows that FUSE gives some opportunities here. Metadata
can be stored as xattr attributes, and the whole beauty of VFS would be
accessible from the console also, using standard file system tools.
Which would not the least make the VFS GNOME independent, without
requiring special implementation at the application level.

When it comes to GNOME specific features, just add the API features to
the new "GNOME-VFS FUSE client".

Runar Ingebrigtsen
propell, mopo as | +47 971 77 229 | Boks 808, 8001 Bodø, NORWAY

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