Re: Fixing SMB browsing

On Wed, 2006-02-22 at 10:31 +0100, Alexander Larsson wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-02-21 at 20:13 -0800, Sri Ramkrishna wrote:
> > The problem here is where would you browse for printers?  From
> > gnome-cups-manager?  IF so, how would you browse it?  You can't rely on
> > gnome-vfs so I'd think you would have to duplicate smb browsing for
> > printers, right?
> You'd browse for smb printers at the same place you browse for other
> types of network printers, in the printer admin dialogs. Of course, we
> don't have a good story on printing at all at the moment, so this sort
> of sucks. However, I'm at least working on gtk+ printing now, so
> hopefully we'll get a nice solution for this eventually.
> RE re-implementing smb browsing. Yeah, you'd have to do that, but its
> much much easier to use libsmb to do this if you just want to browse for
> printers instead of trying to create a virtual filesystem for it.
> > > > - Hides administrative shares like IPC$ and ADMIN$, while showing
> > > > user-created shares that end in "$".
> > > 
> > > Is this really common?
> > 
> > It could happen on large corporate networks like mine it depends on how
> > it's set up.  If they have examples of this then perhaps it's worth
> > looking at it?
> Sure, if it happens to one person in the world we should support it (as
> its easy to do). I'm just wondering if it actually happens.

It happens any time you have at least one domain.  Quite common in this
side of the world.

Germán Poó-Caamaño
Concepción - Chile

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