Re: What to return in async transfer callbacks?

Murray Cumming wrote:
I've reacted to various of your (repeated) emails about gnome-vfs.

You often react, but seldomly in a constructive or helpful way. I'm just wondering, if you're not willing to answer my questions, why answer at all?

I also wonder why you always give the impression I would be talking about you? I didn't complain about you or anyone else at any point, did I? I just included in that post what I had been posting on bugzilla, because I wanted some feedback on this issue. But now you're once again driving the discussion in the wrong direction.

By the way, how funny seeing you instantly replying to my bug report now that I had brought it on topic... Not that your reply was helpful or even on topic, but still, funny.

Matthias Kaeppler           |  Tel: +49 631 3405805
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Str. 16a  |  Mob: +49 176 20108693
D-67663 Kaiserslautern      |  E-Mail: matthias at finitestate dot org

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