Re: Adding API for editing GnomeVFSVolume's

>On 9/14/05, Alexander Larsson <alexl redhat com> wrote:
> I don't understand this. The code you showed had things like
> gnome_vfs_volume_set_host_port(). These are really unnecessary, as long
> as you can get/set the uri of the volume.

Well, that code was more of just an idea dump then something I felt
would end up being th e last result.  If it had really been that
simple to implement then someone needed slapped for not doing it
(cause it was just cut and paste with another 5-10 minutes of
changeing names).  I agree that having them is a bit redundant when we
already have the function to modify the uri's.

> The real GnomeVFSVolumeManager runs in the gnome-vfs daemon, and
> GnomeVFSVolumeManager objects in actual gnome-vfs apps are just copies
> of the daemon objects that are sent over from the daemon. You can't just
> change your local copy of the volume and expect the daemon copy and all
> other copies to change.
> GnomeVFSVolumeManager and all the volumes/drives in it must be
> threadsafe, because its used by things like the computer: gnome-vfs
> method, and gnome-vfs methods are run in threads. The way the locking of
> this is handled at the moment is dependent on the volumes not changing,
> so if you change that you have to totally redesign the locking scheme.

This was what I wanted to know.  As I said there wasn't really any
docs about anything so I just figured I'd do something to stir up the
information I needed. I'll look into the manager and how it locks. 
Hopefully there will be a sane solution that doesn't require too much

> Yeah, naming can be hard. I prefer long names over misleading names, but
> its possible there are good shorter names too.

Very true.

Hopefully, in the next few days i'll look into the locking code and
the manager and see what we can do.

Trevor Davenport
trevor davenport gmail com

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